
Gucci Mane Announces Chief Keef As a new member of the Brick Squad

  You win some, you lose. After a sharp decline with Waka Flocka Flame, again about a month or two back, Gucci Mane has added a new member to the brigade of bricks. This is Chicago rapper Chief Keef.

The rocket made the announcement on the ship with all modern delivery of the new Hip-Hop Twitter. "The recent chief member Brick Quad GbE # 1017 BMG mpa reversal Keef," he tweeted.

"# WhatTimeItIs? 1017," Keef said, via Instagram, after Gucci made the reveal. However, the latter is now word on whether or not if Keef officially signed for 1017 Brick Squad Records Gucci or if it's just their cliques, GBE and Brick Squad, and officially announced their alliance. Gucci Warner Bros. is signed, while Keef is signed to Interscope.

Keef was recently seen occur visited music for the upcoming new album Yeezy in Paris, where he accept record at the request of Kanye West. We assume that Keef a look at the career of Gucci as an example of what not to do when it comes to preference for kicking jail cells around the Atlanta rapper.

Last mixtape Gucci Mane Trap House 3 is due out 21 May No word yet on whether Keef word will be present in all the songs.

