
Foxconn Eyes Fashion Paris, London and Milan

      Luxury brands like Prada or Givenchy shoes could consider this variation on an old maxim: Teach a man to fish and he will steal your fish, or at least he will try. Stella International, a shoemaker, based in Taiwan, produced for Prada and LVMH and Clarks, Rockport and Timberland, has expanded its luxury shoes cheap in Paris.

Stella is adding two stores by the end of this year, already in operation in Paris, said CEO Stephen Chi shoes woman of the company and retail Bloomberg News. Chi said that the company will use its experience in the manufacture of footwear for luxury retailers in order to sell more of their own brands. Listed in Hong Kong, Stella is one of the few Chinese companies ambitious expansion in the world of luxury retail. Chinese manufacturer of high fashion have so far failed, a brand that can produce compete with international luxury brands.

Chi, says the company does not intend to compete directly with brands such as Prada and Miu Miu. But it may have the ability to capture a lower market luxury shoes, especially among luxury buyers emerging markets. The company distributes its own brands such as "Stella Luna", "What For" and "JKJY" in the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Lebanon, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. (He started his retail business in 2006, and at the end of last year had 455 stores.) In its existing business in Paris, on the famous boulevard Saint-Germain, Stella shoes cost between € 250 and € 600 ($ 327-785 $), which is about one third the price of Prada. Stella said he plans to open stores in Milan and London in 2016.

But Paris, London and Milan are harder than the luxury market in Asia and the Middle East, where the rich flavor are still in development and the markets to crack are not as saturated. Revenue from the retail Stella in 2012 by 20% to $ 119.4 million, up $ 99 million in the previous year, but only one band of the entire group profits. Last year, retail account for only 7.7% of the total turnover of the company. Stella said he hopes that number to reach 20% within five years, but it still has to go a long way.

