the handset while a quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor helps the device run Android 4.2.2. What's more, it's toting an area for fingerprint recognition on its back. Come mid-August, folks in the hardware maker's homeland will be able to pick up the handset for use on SK Telecom's network. If the LTE-A variant of the Galaxy S 4 doesn't strike your fancy, Pantech's newest piece of kit might just be worth a look.Alexandra Lenas this weekend at the Ventana Inn, Big Sur, California. Parker reportedly hired a set designer to create a Game of Thrones-style setting, complete with ancient ruins, cascading waterfalls and a cottage hideaway in the woods. Guests were even treated to custom-made outfits by Oscar-winning Lord of the Rings costume designer, Ngila Dickson, who also dressed the groom and flower girls.August 29th. will go dark a month later, on September 30th. Only mobile apps will remain after the closure, including Draw Something, Draw Something 2 and Draw My Thing.
The move isn't surprising given Zynga's strengthened mobile focus, but we're still sad to see OMGPOP lose a large part of its remaining identity. agreed to sell the Washington Post newspaper to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos for $250 million in cash. This ends the Graham family's ownership of the paper after four generations. The deal, which was made independently of Bezos' other ventures, is expected to close within 60 days.lace will always be high on the bridal agenda. If you don’t want to go down the Grace Kelly / Kate Middleton demure lace sleeve route, take inspiration from Naomi Watts’ silk strapless gown by Marchesa, with its delicate lace overlay.It's the dog days of summer, even at 10pm your neighborhood is just slightly warmer than the surface of Venus, and everybody in town's got their A/C units cranked up to 11. Which would explain what triggered the rolling blackout that has now left you and yours sitting in a darkened home. Just because you're going Landfills are pretty wretched places with all the rotting trash spewing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It's no wonder humans have started building robots to do the dirty work in dumps around the world. The fact that these mechanical workers do it with lasers is just a bonusits 14x optic can snap from 25mm to 350mm --
but boosts the CMOS sensor to 18.1 megapixels, supporting a maximum sensitivity of ISO 3200. This entry-level model was designed with beginners in mind, with multiple scene modes and an auto mode representing the most notable shooting options, and effects like Quick Retouch and Skin Softening enabling on-the-go enhancements. There's also optical image stabilization, a 3-inch LCD and 1080p video capture with stereo sound. The Coolpix L620 is expected in stores in September with a $250 MSRP.So often it is artisan embellishment – such as a delicate scattering of pearls and beading – that can really make an ivory gown sing. At the 2013 Oscars, both Kristen Stewart’s Reem Acra and Amanda Seyfried’s Alexander McQueen gowns were high on detail – with intricate, hand-finished appliqué working to create a soft, dreamlike quality.well-cut style in rich, quality silk has the power to fulfil their every wedding dress reverie. Look to classic beauty Anne Hathaway for your inspiration, who strode out at both the Golden Globes 2013 and the Oscars in elegant gowns, devoid of pomp and ceremony.and twice as quick at writing data. The initial V-NAND chip offers a 128-gigabit (16GB) capacity that we've seen before, but its underlying technique should scale quickly when a chip can include as many as 24 stacked cell layers. Although Samsung hasn't named the first devices with V-NAND inside, we won't be surprised if our next phone or SSD is particularly spacious.