
Editd goals to not identify trends in the fashion world

latest Chanel Data is the key to any kind of trend following. London -based Editd takes a big data approach to fashion trends . It collects and analyzes the retail sales figures , photographs of parades and the buzz of fashion social media, then adds his own secret data. This unique product - data driven what happens in the world of fashion clothing retailers in the UK , the USA, South Africa, Australia and China , fashion buyers informed on what's hot and what's not. Founded in London in 2009 by a programmer , Geoff Watts and a fashion designer , Julia Fowler , both to set up the company to Australia, clients include Editd fashion buyers for people like Asos , Gap and Target , which use the data information to inform their purchases of clothing lines and accessories brands to see what sells and what does not. The increase in computing power and the development of Internet - Connect technology , including cloud services such as Amazon S3 web services , reduced costs while increasing the availability of computing power . As Watts says, "it is improving its platform since the first day , without us even write a single line of code. " Meanwhile, the engineering team has continuously improved the product code to support adding more features and flexibility customers need Editd for analysis in near real- time buzz and sales. Watts credited to their location play an important role : "We are happy to be in London, where we have access to these smart people in areas that drive us , technology, retail and fashion. " Chanel cruise 2013 bags March to mobile devices, the way has affected Editd does business . " Almost everyone who uses our product carries a smartphone , and not many of them spend a lot of time at the desk, so we worked very hard to do things like email alerts to work incredibly well when you shift ." Fashion buyers are now looking for sales and what are the trends remain spoken in this minute. The service is on a page of HTML5 browsers used desktops, tablets and smartphones - if they work on a separate iPhone application . How Editd not directed exclusively at the ordinary mode data . Even in the very niche segments such as glasses, allows the unique position of Editd it to an analysis of up-to -the-minute . In this segment , the said Watts is " notoriously difficult to understand ," he claims to have " the best data in the world, but the best information on the trends in the world in this segment. " Editd also offers its services in the beauty and accessories markets , but given the flexible nature of the drive technology of information , almost everything can be brought within the remit of the service when the customers want it . The approach can also use the data of interest - trends in the fashion world - and against - intuitive. Watts said he has five main changes from Editd collects and processes data identified. 1: New Questions about price reductions Think retailers are slashing prices drive sales, but in fact consumers react more to the "novelty " as called Watts . The data showed that Editd commercialization of new lines , sales drove at least as those of the saved lines . "We found hardly make a difference in the points of sale that are in stunning red commercial emails featured , e- mails pushing new shares ," says Watts . The trend was a " big change and a surprise ' for both Editd and fashion retailers who until recently was based primarily on discounts and marketing push to move inventory. 2: Instant Gratification The Spring / Summer 2013 New York Fashion Week, which just ended , would usually have clothes for the same period next year - or 12 months from now . Watts and his team have found that the designers who showed winter clothes - in this case both Michael Kors and Marc Jacobs - has become the most talked about online . Obviously, the consumer also for products that arrive in stores in February or March , will instead reacts next summer. Watts said that " More and more consumers want instant gratification. " 3: This is not the value, quality or luxury Historically, moving fashion trends from one market segment to another , begin a new style or movement in a high-end segment and trickle , as with the current trend leopard print, which was initiated by high-end designers and retailers such as Mulberry and others about London and Milan and the High Street. Watts noted that this is not the case. "We see the development of sales in all markets simultaneously. Selling items at the fair and reasonable price , with premium and luxury , tap into the same pattern at the same time . " This suggests that the average consumer is much more fashion - savvy is . This is "all thanks to streaming live shows, the opportunity for anyone to generate content and the power of the social exchange of opinion and taste," Watts said - although the way for plants multiply rapidly clothing ideas can play a role. 4: The surging mobile technology and performance As in the world of technology , mobile technology and performance are an important trend. It is steeped in the ethos of clothing "," driven by the proliferation of sportswear trend of recent years , "says Watts . Products like Google smartglasses glass mounted displays and FuelBand body tracking Nike clothing such as moisture wicking clothing , Watts said "Chanel cruise 2013 handbag sport took a large changes in the way of the public. Brands such as Nike benefit from the advantages , creating more couture lines . " 5 : Sharing is Caring The grand finale Watts is identified trend , the increased amount of sharing that social media and the consumers connected to the Internet , often called "Generation Y" lead around clothes . Companies like Black Milk have capitalized on this desire to share on social media , the photos of their joint customers on sites like Instagram and construction directly into their websites . Watts : "It works on two levels: Generation Y consumers need this validation and pre-purchase retailers need a constant stream of content for the competition. "

