nt, lubrication-free bearings, cheap chanel bagnon-backlash gears, an automatic film centering mechanism, and a rotary connector for the attachment of a heater. Among the machine's many available options are an automatic side wobble control system, liquid flow meter, definite quantity divider tion to carry and to store. Such pouches will likely continue to make inroads in the US and in France by leveraging these benefits. The 1.5 litre pouch may even have a future in Spain, where consumers are very familiar with economy RTD-type beverages such as sangria, tinto de verano and shandy
sold in bigger sizes and in non-glass packaging, predominantly liquid cartons. Last year, MTCyear after the launch of Campbell's Go Soups, sold in microwaveable pouches designed to be heated and sipped on the go.
"In food in general and our company, packaging is a key component to how we innovate. It's part of our broader research and development strategy. Every innovation team has a packaging engineer on it," Alexander added.
Bill Bishop, a supermarket consultant, said that changing packaging could give Campbell a leg up over private label brands, which often deliver sim
It would be unrealistic to expect any dramatic growth for pouches in alcoholic drinks to 2017. The format can, however, be expected to still find niches in which it can enable a product to be consumed differently and, as in the case of RTDs, generate
value growth.and definite quantity shutter.
Celebrating its 40th year in business, Technical Help in Engineering and Marketing (T.H.E.M.) was founded in 1973 as one of the first providers of innovative packaging solutions in North America. The company is best known for Louis Vuitton cluthcommercializing Sanko Stick Packaging in the United States. Working in conjunction with select packaging and equipment manufacturers, T.H.E.M. offers a comprehensive array of packaging solutions designed to take brands from initial concept to full-scale national or global production. T.H.E.M. has a fully operational, on-site RD center located at its Marlton