
Meet tech, entertainment and fashion in Silicon Beach Festival

This sponsored post is produced by Silicon Beach Festival.  Los Angeles has long been the iconic Hollywood sign that overlooks the expansive city, and kitsch, the lights that brought fire and fashion trends brilliant entertainment in connection worldwide. But large projects are emerging across the city, near the blue water and the popular beaches. It's not just start-ups are established companies vocalizing their support for the construction of the community, as a previous post Cornerstone OnDemand CEO Adam Miller shows how a "Society of technical Killer build outside the valley." The community is known as the Silicon beach and focuses on the integration of a new industry and the perception in the DNA of the city technology. The community takes its biggest step yet to integrate technology into the heart of the city with the third Silicon Beach Festival, on Wednesday 19 June begins four days, the brightest minds in technology, fashion and entertainment together in sunny Santa Monica for illuminated signs, catchy parts inspiration and cross-industry. What you will experience from Silicon Beach Festival? The event is divided into a dozen tracks, including a plurality of panels, meet-ups, and windows that represent the key vertical industries in Los Angeles. Some of the popular event last year tracks are: investors, entrepreneurs, Hollywood, gaming, digital content, advertising, social media, software development and design, and the arts and education. Keynote is part of the top Los Angeles venture capitalists like Mark Suster, CEO of Cornerstone OnDemand, Adam Miller and Nely Galan, former president of Telemundo. Speakers include prominent personalities from Warner Brothers, Disney, Fox, Rubicon Project, United Online, Virgin America brand marketing, cutting ventures Amplify.la, OMD, Machinima, Demand Media, CAA, GOOD, Upworthy and much more. VentureBeat readers can enter to join the fun by registering with the VB30 code and get 30% of normal intake. Discover why the Genome Project Los Angeles court has the second largest technology market in the United States and for the investors more than $ 3200000000 poured into the boiling Southern California startup ecosystem in the last year.   Do not miss your chance to be part of the discussion about the most important innovations and breakthroughs that can occur in the entertainment, fashion and technology.

