Shanghai, China -. BEE inc, green building, sustainable design and LEED consulting, is proud to design a partnership with the famous Gucci brand and announce offer LEED Gold-CI card for the new Shanghai flagship Gucci store. The store is in the mall IAPM is on Huai Hai Road, is made of two floors of retail space with a cafe on the fourth floor.
BEE inc Gucci to help as a pioneer of sustainable design for their new store in experimental LEED certification for the project with green building materials in the construction and the interior of the store. Opening of the new green building is designed to enhance the brand and the iconic image of Gucci, while the adoption of the concepts of sustainability and green design will be later this summer.
According to an article on the website of David Sutton, Ph.D., "The principles of sustainable development are fairly easy to understand. They simply require that we look at the nature of the guidelines. Natural systems have been four billion years of R & . e-development their lives processes further towards a sustainable development and of circular economy will a basic understanding of the natural systems, the surrounded us, and all of our activities to promote sustainable life is need Concious Life -. to know how we are with involved , is located directly on and are totally dependent on life-support systems of support for our planet. "
BEE inc LEED consultant in China, with customers including naked Retreats, United Family Hospital, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, Haworth, Akzo Nobel and many more. Hugging contains a holistic approach, social sustainability, Bee inc. Work with the client to create a plan that takes into account social, economic and environmental factors of their activities. Companies then use these principles to the decision-making and policy to lead.
About Bee inc:
BEE inc has made the observation that a large gap between design team is born to create sustainable solutions and building teams to support these solutions to life and Engineering. Bee Services Inc. board. Include (R) LEED certification, where BEE inc team is all or part of the work necessary for LEED (R) certification with a complete systems - including the implementation of the project, documentation of credit, energy calculations and the final submission. They also offer services for business, including sustainability planning and marketing strategies to enhance the impact of current transactions or clients to promote their services is.